Peridot Jewellery – August’s Birthstone

Peridot - Beautiful Olive Green August Birthstone

Discovering Peridot: August’s birthstone

Peridot cut gemstones
Peridot cut gemstones

Peridot, a vibrant green gemstone, is the birthstone for those born in the month of August. With its rich history, distinctive colour and unique origins, peridot jewellery has captivated gem enthusiasts and collectors alike. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of peridot. Lets explore its origins, properties, historical significance and modern-day allure so that when you’re searching for, or wearing, peridot jewellery, or looking for August birthstone jewellery, you know a little more about this lovely stone.

The Origins of Peridot Jewellery

Peridot is a gem-quality variety of the mineral olivine, formed deep within the Earth’s mantle and brought to the surface by volcanic activity. unlike many other gemstones, peridot is not a product of mineral crystalization within Earth’s crust. Instead, it forms in magma and is expelled during volcanic eruptions. Some peridots even have extraterrestrial origins, found in rare pallasite meteorites that have fallen to Earth.

Characteristics and Properties

Natural Peridot Gemstone
Peridot’s green colour is due to the presence of iron in the crystal structure


Peridot is renowned for its distinctive olive-green colour, which ranges from a yellowish-green to a more intense, dark green hue. This colour is due to the presence of iron within the crystal structure. The gemstone has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable and suitable for various types of jewellery. Its brilliance and lustre, paired with its vibrant colour, make peridot a popular choice for many who love the green gemstone jewellery.


Historical Significance

Map of Egypt
The Egyptians referred to Peridot as the ‘gem of the sun.’

The history of peridot dates back to ancient times. The Egyptians referred to peridot as the “gem of the sun” believing it protected its wearer from terrors of the night. Ancient texts suggest that Cleopatra’s famous emerald collection may have actually been peridot. In Hawaiian culture, peridot sympbolises the tears of Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes.

The island of Zabargad (St John’s Island) in the Red Sea was a major source of peridot in ancient times. This island’s deposits have been mined for over 3,500 years, making it one of the earliest known sources of the gemstone.



Modern Allure of Peridot Jewellery

Today, peridot is mined in various parts of the world, including the United States (Arizona), China, Myanmar and Pakistan. The gemstone continues to be a favourite among jewellers and consumers due to its affordability and striking appearance. When we are selling jewellery at fairs to customers in person, peridot is always one of the semiprecious stones that our clients go for. I think this is because of its ususual green colour which our customers find soft and very easy to wear.

Peridot August Birthstone earrings
Peridot works well with silver as well as gold settings

Peridot’s appeal extends beyond traditional jewellery settings. it is also used in contemporary designs and bespoke pieces, adding a touch of elegance and individuality. The gemstone’s vibrant green colour pairs well with both silver and gold settings, making peridot jewellery versatile and fashionable. This is another reason why we find that peridot is very popular when we are selling direct to our customers at fairs across the UK. Birthstone jewellery is always a popular personal gift. Our collection of August birthstone jewellery includes peridot earrings in both hoops and huggie designs.

Caring for Peridot Jewellery

To maintain its beauty, peridot requires proper care. Due to its moderate hardness, it is best to avoid exposing peridot to harsh chemicals and extreme temperature changes. Cleaning with mild soap and warm water, followed by a soft cloth to dry, will keep the gemstone looking its best.


Peridot is more than just a beautiful gemstone; it is a gem with a rich history, unique origins, and enduring charm. Affordable peridot jewellery is much sought-after. Whether you’re an August baby or simply a lover of exquisite gems, peridot offers a piece of Earth’s fiery heart, ready to be cherished and admired. From ancient civilisations to modern peridot jewellery collection, this gorgeous green gemstone continues to shine as a testament to nature’s wonder and beauty and we know from personal experience just how popular this lovely gemstone is!